Covid-19 Rules

King Lear in the Botanical Garden
June & July 2021

Shakespeare Frankfurt is grateful to be able to create live theatre again in the Botanical Garden Frankfurt! However, the Covid-19 situation requires strict compliance with the safety rules listed below. We count on your understanding and cooperation – thank you! 

Please fill in your contact data sheet here and read these rules carefully and make sure that you can comply with all of them. If you have any questions, check the FAQ section below or send an email to


Are you selling drinks and snacks / Can I bring my own / Can I bring a picnic?

Sort of / Yes / No! Because we want to minimise contacts between people, we are not running a regular concession stand. So please do bring your own drinks and snacks. But keep it simple and consider that you’ll be on your feet for three hours, possibly in the heat, so bottles of wine are not a good idea. No picnic baskets / blankets / folding chairs! We will have a small contingency of water bottles for sale for people who did not bring enough.

Do I need to show a 'Negativnachweis'? Is a DIY test sufficient?
As long as we are in ‘Stufe 2’, a negative test or ‘Negativ-Nachweis’ is only recommended, not required. However, to be on the safe side we would really very much appreciate if you could bring a negative test result, no older than 24 hours (keep this in mind for Sunday shows). Even better if it is from an official testing place, but we will accept DIY tests. Thank you for making us all feel safe!
We’re coming as a group. Do we have to observe safe distances within the group?
In accordance with official regulations, up to 10 people even from different households can ‘cluster’ together – at their own choice. So we as organisers are planning the distances in the locations and on the walkways per household, but you can let us know if you are coming as a group and want to stay together. You can do this either when you arrive or – much preferred – by sending an email in advance to with all the names of those within your group. Best to do that when you send the contact tracing form – please DO send that form in asap.
I have trouble breathing under a mask because of a medical condition. Can I wear some other form of protection?

We are very sorry, but we are simply not in a position to verify any medical conditions that may necessitate or permit an alternative form of Covid-19 protective gear. Therefore only close-fitting masks are allowed.

What happens if a show is cancelled due to Covid-19?

Possible scenarios for cancellations due to Covid-19-related reasons:

(1) The ‘Inzidenz’ in Frankfurt rises above 100 again, or regulations change and force us to cancel.

(2) A member of Shakespeare Frankfurt contracts Covid-19 and we must pause the production.

In these two cases, you can ask for a refund (minus the pre-sales fee from Frankfurt Ticket). However, we would be immensely grateful if you could consider making this a donation to Shakespeare Frankfurt. We have had to cancel our last two productions and, like so many performing arts groups, have been hit very hard by all those lockdowns. Thank you for considering this.

Any refunding is processed through Frankfurt Ticket, so if you want to make use of your right to a refund, please direct your queries to them.

covid-19 rules


1.1   Tickets are available exclusively through Frankfurt Ticket. It will not be possible to buy tickets at the door. 

1.2   You will be asked to fill in a form stating the names of everyone in your household or group attending the show and send that form no later than 24 hours in advance to

1.3   Even though we are now in ‘Stufe 2’, in order to make this a safe event we ask that you present a ‘Negativnachweis’ at the door, i.e.: (a) documented proof of full vaccine protection; (b) a negative test result no older than 24 hours, ideally from an officially recognised testing place – but we will accept ‘DIY’ or ‘self-tests’; or (c) a ‘Genesenen-Nachweis’  showing you have had, and recovered from, Covid-19.

1.4   Finally, please also bring an ID showing your name and address. 

These requirements are obligatory for admission!



2.1   Audience members must wear masks at all times during the event. These do not have to be medical masks; any well-fitting cloth that covers mouth and nose is also permitted.

On hot days, this may cause discomfort, but we can not make exceptions. If you think you may have trouble breathing with a mask in the heat, please consider this before booking. 

2.2   It is permitted to remove the mask in order to eat or drink something, but only for that purpose. See also 5.

2.3   Hand sanitisers will be stationed at the entrance, the concession stand and the toilets. 



3.1   Everyone in the audience must at all times keep a distance of 1,5m from other audience members and from staff and ushers, except as set forth in 3.3.

3.2   This is a promenade performance and we will be moving as a group from one scene location to the next. Our ushers are trained to gauge the safety distance, but we count on your help to stay safely apart while we move – and to shift when the ushers ask you to! 

3.3   Groups of up to 10 people who come together can choose to ‘cluster’, i.e. they can ignore the safety distance amongst each other – but still have to stay 1,5m apart from anyone else!



4.1   For this performance there is standing room only. Please wear appropriate, comfortable shoes.

4.2   There will be seating in the concessions area, and at the end of the show.

4.3   We play in any and all weather, so please dress accordingly (raincoats yes; umbrellas: no). The only exception is a thunderstorm, when no one is allowed to be in the Garden. Should this event of Force Majeure occur, we cannot offer a refund.



5.1   There will be a 15-minute interval halfway through the show. Please use the toilets then; it will not be possible to go to the toilet during the performance.

5.2   In order to minimise queues and contacts, we will not operate a regular concession stand. We suggest you bring your own food and drink for consumption in the designated areas. Please keep it simple (no big bags or picnic baskets), do not share anything with anyone outside your household, and minimise waste. 

There will be some water on sale but basically only as ‘emergency rations’.

You can carry and consume drinks (not food) during the show, but this must be kept to a minimum as it requires taking off your mask.

We all know that the situation may change again; an increase of the ‘Inzidenz’ to above 100 would trigger a shut-down and require safe numbers again before we can resume. Please keep yourselves informed by checking this space – and keep your fingers crossed! The information below can be downloaded in PDF format here

Thank you for your understanding. If you have any further questions, again, please do not hesitate to contact us at We look forward to seeing you safely out in the Garden and sharing this incredible story with you!