welcome to shakespeare frankfurt

Classical Theatre in Frankfurt, Germany


24/25 SEASON

“To have something to say is one thing; to have someone who hears is another.”
-Rebecca Solnit






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projects & events

When Shakespeare was alive it was common for the Theatres to close during times of plague. Traditionally, we are the cultural spaces that shut down first and are the last to reopen. In his day they would take the show on the road and travel the countryside, even as far as right here in The Palatinate. In the modern age we have another choice, online viewing. Shakespeare Frankfurt is committed to offering storytelling during this time of upheaval and crisis, so we will be sharing some of Shakespeare’s monologues performed by our ensemble members over the coming weeks. The purpose is to pass the time, tell a story and wet your whistles for when we are allowed to see you all in person again and share with you that most essential human experience, Theatre.

We are proud to present Reflections, part of the Worldwide Ukrainian Play-Readings initiative.

The Center for International Theatre Development (CITD) commissioned 23 Ukrainian playwrights to create new works that “offer a first draft of history through the lens of the playwright.” This project led by John Friedman (American writer & translator) and Maksym Kurochkin (leader of the new Theatre of Playwrights in Kyiv) is being performed around the world. 

We are thrilled to share with you a selection of plays from the project combined with live music and poetry!

The Covid restrictions are easing. Theaters are opening again, and we at Shakespeare Frankfurt held our 2nd annual online symposium and fundraiser on March 27th, 2022. This event was born from the restrictions placed due to the pandemic but we see it as a blessing in disguise. By offering this as online content we are able to gather artists from around the world to share their experiences and discuss various aspects of theatre.

This film is a celebration of Life’s most powerful moments, the ones that create our destiny, that provide hope and joy, that detail our own downfalls.  During the summer of 2020, a most tumultuous time for humankind, Shakespeare Frankfurt chose to look at some of those pivotal moments in life and share them with the community at large.  As it is every summer, the Botanischer Garten Frankfurt, with all its unique natural wonder, was our world to tell these stories in. “Spiritus Vitae – The Breath of Life” is now available on our YouTube channel. Click the button below to learn more about this project, including behind the scenes photos, cast and crew bios, and much more!

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about us


Shakespeare Frankfurt is committed to text-based storytelling and utilizes classical and modern theatrical techniques to tell stories that are relevant and accessible to a modern audience. Whether with Shakespeare or other great playwrights from the past, we focus on a generous and flexible environment for artists to grow in.


Don’t miss out on events, news and production updates! Sign up for our newsletter and stay up to date on all of Shakespeare Frankfurt’s activities. 


If you are enjoying our work, please consider making a donation to help us continue to provide our community with the rich and detailed stories that Shakespeare created for all of us. If you have any questions regarding your donation, please contact Varvara Pomoni.

Shakespeare Frankfurt e.V.
Frankfurter Sparkasse 
IBAN. DE50 5005 0201 0200 7387 04



The work we do would not be possible without the generous support and collaboration from the following organizations:

read more from our

local press


Frankfurter Allgemeine

June 12, 2024 | Mit Shakespeare durch den Botanischen Garten In Shakespeares Klassiker „Much Ado about Nothing“ mischen sich ein bisschen Stadtlärm, das Quaken der Frösche...


Frankfurter Rundschau

January 14, 2024 | Dem Teufel die Seele verkauft Das Ensemble Shakespeare Frankfurt feiert mit Marlowes „Doctor Faustus“ im Original Premiere. Antonia Görge zieht sich schwarze Schuhe mit hohen...


Frankfurter Neue Press

June 2, 2023 | Romeo & Juliet Von irgendwoher, aus einem anderen Teil des Botanischen Gartens, klingen Kampfgeräusche herüber. Einige Schauspielkolleg:innen...



April, 2024 | Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe Seit 2016 bereichert „Shakespeare Frankfurt“ die hiesige Theaterszene mit Inszenierungen von klassischen Stücken des weltbekannten...


Frankfurter Allgemeine

October 6, 2023 | Tragödie in Camouflage-Optik Die Gruppe Shakespeare Frankfurt bringt den Klassiker „Othello“ ins Internationale Theater, mit einem famosen Michael Kinzer in der Rolle des Iago.


Frankfurter Allgemeine

February, 2023 | Wie im alten Rom "Juilus Caesar" in der Zoo-Passage Ein Klassiker der Weltliteratur als politischer Thriller: Shakespeares ”Julius Caesar" im Internationalen Theater beweist...


Frankfurter Allgemeine

February 5, 2024 | Pakt mit dem Teufel Mit „Doctor Faustus“ bringt die Theatergruppe Shakespeare Frankfurt ein Werk von Christopher Marlowe in englischer Sprache auf die Bühne.


Frankfurter Allgemeine

June 6, 2023 | Liebesdrama in der Natur Die Theatergruppe Shakespeare Frankfurt spielt wieder im Botanischen Garten.Mehr als drei Stunden dauert die gelungene Inszenierung von „Romeo und Julia“.


Frankfurter Allgemeine

June 8, 2022 | Glücklich und unglücklich verliebt Die Gruppe „Shakespeare Frankfurt“ lädt die Zuschauer zum Gang durch den Botanischen Garten: Bei „As you like it“

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Contact us to learn more about Shakespeare Frankfurt or get information regarding upcoming shows or auditions. You can fill out the form on the right or send us an email at: hello@shakespearefrankfurt.de

We look forward to hearing from you!